A new initiative for building a more competitive Europe: EuropaBio announces Biomanufacturing Platform

Brussels, 14 November 2022
EuropaBio announces a new cross-sectoral Biomanufacturing Platform, further extending its voice for biotechnology as central to Europe’s competitiveness, health and sustainability. The Platform has the mission to represent biomanufacturing at the highest policy levels in Europe, to ensure that it is visible and recognised within the industrial strategy and Europe’s green and digital transitions.
A solution for a more sustainable use of resources
Biomanufacturing encompasses products and processes driven through biotechnology and is an advanced technology now driving significant global changes in industrial practise. Sectors spanning food, therapeutics, chemical intermediates, energy and materials for all applications are now integrating biomanufacture. It delivers innovative products beyond the capability of conventional manufacturing, and can create substantial efficiencies in use of resources such as water and energy, reducing the requirement for fossil fuels, petro-chemicals and the use of non-sustainable, circular materials.
The Biomanufacturing voice of EuropaBio
EuropaBio champions biomanufacturing across its Healthcare, Industrial Biotechnology and National Associations Councils and the creation of a cross-sectoral Platform brings these voices together to accelerate Europe’s growth. Examples include:
- EuropaBio 25th Anniversary nominations including manufacture of Vitamin B5, CAR-T cell therapies and butandiol
- Report ‘Measuring the economic footprint of the Biotechnology Industry in Europe’
- Representation within the EC Industrial Forum through TF5 ‘uptake of advanced manufacturing processes by EU industry’
- EFIB conference Vilnius Statement ‘Next generation economies - Industrial Biotechnology for a sustainable society’
Biomanufacturing in focus for Europe
EuropaBio’s Biomanufacturing Platform will address the policy and wider frameworks through which biomanufacturing is delivered. Together with members and stakeholders, it will address how economic growth, employment and resilience are achieved through policy, legal frameworks and regulation at EU and national levels.
Platform activities will build an economic evidence-base for biomanufacture across sectors, reflect policy priorities from EuropaBio’s Healthcare, Industrial Biotechnology and National Association Councils and build case studies to demonstrate diversity and impact of biomanufacture.
Dr Claire Skentelbery, EuropaBio Director General said “As Europe makes the most significant societal and industry transition since the industrial revolution, biomanufacturing is an essential component. And we are not alone. The recent US White House Executive Order on biomanufacturing sends a global message that it is central to a resilient and secure economy and that coordinated policy actions underpin successful delivery”.
The Biomanufacturing Platform will host its first policy summit on March 15, 2023 in Brussels. The Summit will set the vision for Europe’s global innovation, competitiveness and sustainability through the lens of biomanufacturing and set a baseline for its understanding and recognition within policy.