Biotech Starter Kit – Boosting Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing in the EU

Boosting Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing in the EU
Biotech and Biomanufacturing have received growing attention globally as key enablers of competitiveness and security. The recognition of biotechnology as a critical technology by the Commission is a recognition of its role within the transformation of traditional industrial ecosystems towards a healthier and greener future. Biotech integration across industries can enhance EU autonomy and resilience by offering innovative products in critical sectors.
A global race is now underway and the winners will be those regions and companies that are positioned as market leaders in the use of biotech at scale. The USA, China, India and Japan have strategies in place for biotech and biomanufacturing, integrating targets and investments as summarised in a recent EuropaBio series.
What is the EU Biotech and Biomanufacturing Initiative?
The Communication on Boosting Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing in the EU, from March 2024, is the EU’s answer to a global race. It identifies challenges and opportunities for the sectors and provides a more coordinated approach to realising the full potential of biotech and biomanufacturing for the EU.
The Initiative sets out a roadmap to support the growth of the biotech and biomanufacturing industries in the EU, from R&D to commercialisation, boosting investments and jobs to strengthen the EU’s economy. The Initiative sets out eight practical actions to be implemented over 2024 and 2025, supported by evaluations and studies.
EuropaBio’s Position
EuropaBio welcomes the Initiative and calls for ambition and urgency in its implementation. Immediate actions are required to address many of the bottlenecks that already create a drag on investment, scale up and market access, which in turn limit citizen and economic benefits.
This ambition must be reflected in the 2024-2029 EU strategic and legislative agendas and the next EU budget, to support the path to a globally competitive and resilient EU.
EuropaBio calls on the EU institutions to take ownership of the Initiative at the highest political level to guarantee its success.