EuropaBio launches a new Biopharmaceutical Strategy Group

EuropaBio launches a new Biopharmaceutical Strategy Group
Brussels, 3 May 2021 – 8 April 2021, the EuropaBio Healthcare Council has decided to create a Biopharmaceutical Strategy Group (BSG). BSG will serve as a forum for members to routinely engage in the revision of the general pharmaceutical legislation..
For the upcoming two years, the BSG group members will develop content and policy recommendations and will carry out the necessary advocacy activities.
Among others, the BSG will be in charge of:
1) promoting incentives for the biotechnology industry that create the right conditions to attract investors and to support long term investment in high risk R&D;
2) working on proposals aiming at improving implementation of existing EU legislation through legislative and non-legislative instruments;
3) fostering an innovation-enabling regulation in the EU;
4) developing contributions to develop an industrial strategy for healthcare biotechnology focused on innovations such as advanced manufacturing;
5) explaining what is needed for the biotechnology ecosystem to work and ensure its global competitiveness.
The members of the BSG consist of regulatory and policy experts, they have been selected to ensure the broadest membership representation and the right level of expertise needed for EuropaBio’s contributions to the Pharmaceutical Strategy. The group will be Chaired by Philip Schwab (AbbVie) and Thomas Bols (PTC Therapeutics) Vice-Chair.
The first BSG meeting will take place in mid-May, online.
The Biopharmaceutical Strategy is one of the key priorities of EuropaBio in the upcoming years. On 27 April 2021 EuropaBio sent its response to the EU evaluation and revision of the general pharmaceutical legislation calling for a creation of a future-proof and patient-oriented and leading biotechnology sector in the EU.