Measuring the Economic Footprint of the Biotechnology Industry in Europe (WifOR Study Update)
This report is a supplementary update to the initial report published HERE, which provides data from 2008 -2018, in addition to detaimed methodology. Please use the original report for all background information.
The report published here covers data from 2021 with comparisons to original 2008-2018 data.
In 2020, WifOR conducted the study “Measuring the Economic Footprint of the Biotechnology Industry in Europe” on behalf of EuropaBio. Therefore, a future-oriented industry definition for the European biotechnology sector was drawn up in great detail and closely coordinated with the members of EuropaBio. The core of this industry definition was the segmentation of the industry into healthcare, industrial and agricultural biotechnology. Based on this, gross value added, employees, R&D impact as well as exports and imports were calculated. In addition, an economic footprint was calculated, which also took into account the spillover effects of the biotech industry on the European economy as a whole and impressively demonstrated the significance of the industry for growth and employment.
The aim of the project is to quantify the economic footprint of the biotech industry on the European economy. The offered project modules enable EuropaBio to measure macro- and microeconomic metrics – similar to the approach for the G20 Presidency and B20 Health Taskforce on quantifying the biotech industry and assessing the economic effects of investments in the biotech industry.
By quantifying the direct, indirect and induced effects in terms of employment and contribution to GDP, WifOR demonstrates the economic importance of the European biotech industry and complements its value proposition within a macroeconomic perspective. The Economic Impact Analysis serves as a reliable source of data and information, providing valuable content for a targeted communication with policy-makers, the media and other stakeholders.