Statement in response to the EU Council ratifying the Brexit transition deal


Statement in response to the EU Council ratifying the Brexit transition deal
The associations representing the European and British life science industry (AESGP, ABPI, BIA, BGMA, EBE, EFPIA, EUCOPE, EuropaBio, Medicines for Europe, PAGB, Vaccines Europe) have today responded to the European Council approving terms of the transition period agreed between the UK Government and EU.
Today’s agreement on a transition period is welcome news for Europe’s Life Sciences industry. While expecting a deal on the withdrawal agreement as soon as possible, this gives companies more certainty about the time they will have to prepare for the UK’s departure from the EU.
At the current status of negotiations, we continue to advise our members to prepare for every scenario and ensure that they have the right plans in place so that patients across Europe and in the UK continue to access the medicines they need.
However, as Article 50 negotiations progress to the next phase, clarity over the UK and Europe’s future relationship on the regulation, trade and supply of medicines needs to be provided as soon as possible. Alongside Europe’s patient groups and healthcare organisations, Europe’s Life Sciences industry will continue to advocate that the best outcome for patients is an agreement for the EU and the UK to continue to cooperate on medicines.
Download the file below to read the full Position Paper.