Biomanufacturing Platform
EuropaBio’s Biomanufacturing Platform has the mission to represent biomanufacturing at the highest policy levels in Europe, to ensure that it is recognised within the EU Industrial Strategy and highlight its key contribution to Europe’s industrial transformation through the twin, green and digital transitions.
EuropaBio champions biomanufacturing across its Healthcare, Industrial Biotechnology and National Associations Councils and as a cross-sectoral Platform brings these voices together to accelerate Europe’s growth.
EuropaBio’s Biomanufacturing Platform addresses the policy and wider frameworks through which biomanufacturing is delivered. Together with members and stakeholders, it focuses on how economic growth, resilience and sustainability are achieved through policy, legal frameworks and regulation at European and National levels.
Industrial Advisory Group
An internal working group with members from different sectors combines views and weighs priorities to drive the work of the Platform.
Biomanufacturing Policy Summit
An annual summit that brings together industry and policymakers to discuss biomanufacturing in Europe. Find the full 2024 Report.
Biomanufacturing Library
A library of biomanufacturing policy documents, strategies and reports from all around the world. Visit the Library.
Biomanufacturing in Action
Biomanufacturing Definition 101
A definition for biomanufacturing understandable to wider stakeholders and society. Read the full Definition.
Biomanufacturing Global Series
A journey through the global biomanufacturing policy landscape including the US, India, Japan, China. Read the full Series.
Feedstock: The building blocks of EU's sustainability and resilience
A informative paper about feedstock for biomanufacturing which explores current challenges and opportunities. Read the full Paper.
Get Involved
If you are active within biomanufacturing in any sector, bring your voice to EuropaBio’s work. Members are at the centre of our work, with priorities, case studies and recommendations to underpin advocacy and advance biomanufacturing in Europe.
For all enquiries, please contact our Biomanufacturing Platform Coordinator, Francisco Castro Alves:
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