The Association of Biotechnological Companies Bioforum joins EuropaBio: representing Polish biotech at European legislative fora and involving Polish companies in the debate about the future of the industry

The Association of Biotechnological Companies Bioforum joins EuropaBio: representing Polish biotech at European legislative fora and involving Polish companies in the debate about the future of the industry
Brussels, 19 December 2022 – EuropaBio is pleased to announce that the Association of Biotechnological Companies ‘BioForum’ has joined as an associate member.
As an association representing the Polish biotechnology industry and promoting Polish science, BioForum actively participates in the dialogues shaping the law and directions of state policy regarding the functioning of the innovative biotechnology industry.
BioForum is also the organiser of CEBioForum – on of the first the most important biotechnology conferences in Central and Eastern Europe, which in 2022 arrived at its 20th edition.
EuropaBio Director-General Dr. Claire Skentelbery commented: “We are proud to continue expanding our representation of biotechnology everywhere in Europe and ensure that we speak with one voice through our National Associations Council.
Dr. Magdalena Kulczycka, Director at the Association of Biotechnological Companies BioForum, added: “In recent years, the biotechnology industry has become one of the key areas of innovation in Europe. More and more programs and projects, as well as legislative initiatives, are emerging in EU institutions, and they will shape biotech market in the future. Poland's biotechnology industry is one of the pillars of innovative economy, which is why its voice should resound in European fora. Involvement in the work of EuropaBio today, means greater development opportunities for Polish biotech companies tomorrow”.