What do EuropaBio Members recommend for successful biomanufacturing in Europe?
On 27th April, EuropaBio organised a webinar to follow-up on the Biomanufacturing Policy Summit and officially release the policy recommendations resulting from the summit discussions and post-analysis. The outcome was a set of 10 policy recommendations that will be further developed by EuropaBio and shared in due course with policymakers and wider audience.
During the webinar, cross-sectoral stakeholders presented their views on these recommendations and highlighted the priorities for their organisations and sectors – healthcare, industrial biotechnology, and national associations. A consensus and shared view was reached that “Europe needs to create a cross sectoral biomanufacturing roadmap, reflecting global positioning and targets”.
EuropaBio is committed to the mission of bringing biomanufacturing to the European policy agenda and therefore a full report about the Policy Summit and Webinar is coming soon.