EuropaBio invited industrial biotech SMEs to learn about EU Policy Priorities

EuropaBio invited industrial biotech SMEs to learn about EU Policy Priorities
Brussels, 26 April 2021 – EuropaBio organised an online info session for SMEs within industrial biotechnology to learn about the EU policies and their possible impact to their current business strategies. The event was organised as one of the initiatives under the EuropaBio SME Platform.
EuropaBio’s Industrial Biotechnology team Agnes Borg and Lucy McMurtry presented to participants an overview of relevant EU policies impacting industrial biotechnology under the European Green Deal including the Farm to Fork and Industrial strategies, Circular Economy Action Plan, and the Taxonomy Regulation. The participants had a chance to learn about opportunities within the Horizon Europe programme. Finally, the impacts of the recently adopted Transparency Regulation on the risk assessment process were explored.
The event was moderated by Claire Skentelbery, Director General of EuropaBio
Please click on the links to access the event’s slides and the recording.
The next online info session will take place June 3, 2021 and will be dedicated to EU Healthcare Biotech Policy Priorities for SMEs. Please register here.
About the EuropaBio SME Platform
The SME platform is a community of SMEs across all sectors in Europe, supported through regular online meetings around EU-level topics that impact commercial biotechnology and represented to EU stakeholders.