Europe celebrates life science with European Biotech Week 2021

Biotech and Life Sciences Associations (at national and local level), plus also schools, universities, research centres, government institutions, companies, science museums and the media have partnered for an accessible and high impact EBW.
The celebrations will be officially kicked off by EuropaBio’s online event Biotechnology for society – Turning science into a sustainable and healthy world in the afternoon of the 27th of September, followed by the event on the investment in healthcare and the importance of the small companies for the sustainable future in the upcoming days.
‘I am delighted that this year more than 110 organisations from 12 European countries will encourage the general public to explore the fascinating and vibrant world of biotechnology. It is a key part of our lives: from the clothes we wear and how we wash them, the food we eat and its sources, , through to the medicine we use to keep us healthy, biotech plays an invaluable role and should be celebrated.’’, says Dr Claire Skentelbery, Director General of EuropaBio.
This year participants can choose from a high variety of events such as debates, panels, hands-on workshops, job fairs, networking events, site visits, exhibitions or big conferences which will be taking place onsite, online or in a hybrid format.
Follow the updates on the events happening across Europe on European Biotech Week social media channels Twitter and Facebook.